GPP - gel performance project

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Nutrition Secrets

Nutrition Secrets

Agel Suspension Gel Technology Products

Athletes use gels to pound carbs right before competition or in the middle of a race. What if anyone could pound nutritional supplements in the same way when it’s most convenient for them? Could a highly accessible delivery system like the one athletes use be versatile enough to work with other consumable products? The answer launched a powerful new delivery mechanism called Suspension Gel Technology. The innovation of the AGEL products started with the technological breakthrough of our gel. By using state-of-the-art science to put nutrition in a state of suspension, AGEL ensure consistency in delivery and quickness in bioavailability. AGEL has changed the possibilities of nutrition both inside and out.

Distribution Strategy

GPP distributes AGEL through Network Marketing. Is a form of marketing or a distribution system which channels goods or services from the manufacturer to the consumer through a network of independent consultants. It is an effective system that cuts out the “middlemen“ found in most industries. Image of drawers in the sky Traditional marketing moves products from the manufacturer to wholesalers, warehousers, shippers, advertisers and retailers before ever reaching the consumer. In Network Marketing, all of these “middlemen”, including the advertisers, are replaced with Independent Consultants who promote the same products throughout their own network of contacts. This method allows direct selling companies to bring higher quality products to consumers at a lower cost.
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Next Steps

1. Check it out Agel Products videos in this website;
2. Check it out Agel Compensation Plan video in this website;
3. Watch our international WebVideoConference Date and time to be scheduled;
4. Get your questions answered with the person that invited you, then decide, get your training and start your own business with GPP;
5. Plan to go to the next Major Event.

Com Plan Note:

Leverage Matching Bonus was adjusted to 7% from 2nd to 7th generation. Qualification Director.

For more company & product info:
(oficial website)

Agel Awards

Agel had won the American Business Awards

Products approval

Approved by Department of Health and Humans Services of Foods and Drugs Administration (USA)

Direct Selling Association

Agel makes part of the Direct Selling Association. Check it out at

GGP Leadership Team

GGP Leadership Team
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